Friday, August 6, 2010

Botanic Garden Bats

Today we spent the morning walking around the Royal Botanic Gardens. It's free and filled with all sorts of interesting plants and birds.  There were huge bats (also called flying foxes) hanging from the trees.  These bats have been damaging trees in the gardens so the federal government has approved a plan to relocate the bats using loud noise. 

We also saw Australian Cockatoos in the fig trees.  It was so neat to see them in the wild eating the figs.

Two of the prettiest flowers we saw were the Camellia and the Japanese Iris.

We took it easy this afternoon and went to a Thai Place for dinner.  Also, I've been running on the treadmill at the hotel and have felt like the runs have been so easy-well turns out I've been running in km/hr instead of miles/hr and km/hr is much slower!  Oh well, now I know.:)

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