Saturday, April 2, 2011

Simply Amazing

Thursday we drove the rest of the Great Ocean Road and saw some spectacular sights along the way.  The first stop was the Twelve Apostles.
These are limestone formations that have been carved away from the cliffs by the unrelenting waves.  There used to be twelve of these structures but they aren't all still standing.  One most recently collapsed in 2005.

Next we stopped at the Loch Ard Gorge.  This was the site of a shipwreck in 1878.  52 people died and there were only two survivors.

This was followed by a stop at London Bridge. 

The two pieces of the "bridge" used to be connected together until it collapsed in 1990.  A man and woman were on the right side when this happened and had to be rescued by helicopter.

The last place we stopped was the Grotto.

We walked down some steps to see this beautiful place.  At the top of the steps the waves were wild.  It was foamy and looked like the inside of a running washing machine.
We ended the day at Port Fairy where we spent the night before traveling on to Nelson.

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