Sorry for the lack of updates. I was waiting until I had some concrete news to share. Well, we had been hoping to leave around July 12th and head to Hawaii, but that did not happen because we found out that Ben's medical registration paperwork was going to have to be approved under a new system (country based vs. state based). Ben still has not had his medical registration approved and therefore our visas have not been approved either, but Global Medical has agreed to book us tickets to Sydney so we can travel around Australia and even live in our apartment if we want to until the paperwork goes through.
In the meantime we have been keeping busy here. We were able to visit our cousin Cheryl, her husband Jeremy, their son Jacob, and new baby Joel. We went to a Tiger game with the Flagel family. We played mini-golf and drove go-carts with Hannah.
We just found out today that our tickets were booked and were able to celebrate with dinner at Outback Steakhouse with Ben's parents. We will spend the next week or so finishing up things here before we leave Sunday, August 1.